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Natural Methods to halt seizures (emergency seizure rescue methods)

Below is a list of Natural Methods to halt seizures which may be tried to stop a seizure (once one is happening).  The technical name for these is “seizure rescue methods”.

Normally, a seizure rescue method is a drug such as diazepam, lorazepam, and midazolam.  This page only lists those methods which are drug-free and non-invasive.

Relevant references (research) have been provided, where possible, indicating why these methods may work.

In the main, all of these techniques have been shared by parents and carers (and thank you so much to all who have been so kind as to share these).  Other than the Exchange Breathing Method, which was invented by me, Gemma Herbertson, with Bernhard Rohrbeck.

As with any seizure rescue method, these methods may or may not work, as each case is individual.  However, I can personally testify the anguish experienced when someone is having a seizure in front of you and the only thing which you have been advised to do is watch the clock and call an ambulance if the seizure reaches 5 minutes.  Having some seizure rescue methods to try gives a much better feeling – and I very much hope for you that at least one works.

None of the above, nor any of the seizure rescue methods detailed below constitutes any medical advice. It is highly recommended that you discuss your use of any of these methods with a medical professional (e.g. your neurologist or epileptologist) before you try them.  Usually, most will say that these methods are likely to ‘do no harm’ by trying them, however, there are always exceptions to the rule, so you are advised to check to make sure this is not the case for you or a loved one.

If you do decide to use one of these Natural Methods to halt seizures, you are also advised to write this into your Seizure Management Plan (a document which should detail all the steps to take if a person has a seizure; and which should be carried with the person at all times).  This is usually written with the patient (or their carer) and an Epilepsy Nurse.  It is really good to share this with their school or workplace or any places or groups that they attend regularly (plus provide any training necessary to deliver anything in the plan).

Within this plan you should still continue to have any recommended use of traditional seizure rescue methods – meaning medications / drugs, and a plan of when to call for an ambulance.  Please discuss this with a relevant medical professional.