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28th May 2024

Exchange Breathing Method: stop a seizure with a drug-free, non-invasive method

If you saw someone having a seizure, wouldn’t it be great if you could do something to stop it? That person could then continue on with their day, rather than suffer and potentially end up in hospital?  The Exchange Breathing Method (EBM) is helping many people across the world to achieve this; and, with your help by taking part in some important research into this seizure first aid method, potentially many more people can now be helped ...

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5th November 2021

Treat the patient not the diagnosis

Why there will never be a one-size fits all ‘cure’ for autism or other DSM-5 Mental Disorder categories Do current conventional methods of assessing neurodevelopmental and neurological disorders deliver the best outcomes possible? Diagnoses for many neurodevelopmental and mental health issues result from noting clusters of signs and symptoms - things such as behaviours and/or feelings.  Perhaps very surprisingly, these ‘diagnoses’ ...

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6th August 2021

A Stable Body creates a Stable Mind: Vestibular Balance linked to Emotional Balance

Research has shown that, perhaps surprisingly, therapeutic stimulation of the vestibular (balance) system can modulate mood and emotions; and that additionally, changes in mood and emotions can affect body balance. We, perhaps, are already aware of this, when we consider the posture of someone happy and confident; and then compare this to someone who is feeling anxious or depressed. This so-called ‘body language’ is thus not only a type of ...

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17th July 2024

Isn’t it incredible that we can accumulate vast amounts of new knowledge every day?   From a new fact about your ...

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Graphic on take part in a study on a method to stop seizures
26th May 2023

Just over a decade ago, Gemma Herbertson, founder of Neuro Frontiers, and Chair of the Answers & Hope charity, invented ...

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6th August 2021

Movement is the bottom line when it comes to why we have a brain. And, likewise, movement is fundamental to stimulate, ...

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6th August 2021

The brain is a very complex organ. It is the control centre of the body, and controls the conscious and automatic ...

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