The Exchange Breathing Method (EBM) is a first aid method to stop seizures and was invented (by me) in 2012. On a trip to Ireland last month, it was a great honour and pleasure to meet Patrick McKeown, the world-renowned breathing expert and best-selling author of several books relating to the science of breathing and its relationship to health and well-being. Just listening to Patrick for a few days was a real treat for my enquiring mind, as his knowledge on the topic of breathing is very extensive and impressive (breathtaking in fact haha!). Additionally, he clearly wakes up each morning determined to fulfill his great passion, which is to help others gain a greater state of health, by bringing the message of functional breathing to more people.
Imagine how wonderfully surprised and thankful I was when Patrick told me he had written about the EBM in his latest best selling book, The Breathing Cure. Wow! I was blown away: what an honour; and I am so grateful to know that thousands more people around the world will now know about EBM due to Patrick sharing this knowledge. If EBM can save one more life, or one more quality-of-life, then this is what matters. Thank you Patrick!
The Breathing Cure is a vast chasm of information on breathing, and includes a very interesting chapter on seizures and breathing. Anyone interested can pick up a copy here