Eating foods rich in flavonoids has again been correlated with another aspect of brain health: Research led by Queen’s University Belfast indicates that increasing the intake of flavonoid-rich foods and drinks is associated with a reduced risk of dementia – maybe by more than a quarter.

Bowl of berries rich in flavonoids
The ANI Diet (Anti-Neuro-Inflammatory Diet) is deliberately high in antioxidants and flavonoids, many of which have been shown to cross the blood brain barrier, and are associated with both preventative strategies for both maintaining brain health, and returns to brain-health. I am so grateful that I learned so much about the elements of this diet from training with the fantastic teacher and expert in neurological disorders, Dr Datis Kharrazian. Using this diet and lifestyle with my own son, I was soon witnessing his brain function and abilites improve, and importantly for him, his seizures stopped (and remain stopped)!! Yay! It isn’t the only therapy we used, but the ANI Diet remains a key part of our life, and as it’s easy for all the family to eat, so even my brain is benefiting too!
University of Belfast research:
Information on the ANI Diet: