Do you know you have a neural signature? In fact, you have thousands of neural signatures! You have one for when you are at rest and letting your thoughts roam free. You have one for when you are choosing which foods to eat. You have one for when you are brushing your teeth. You even have one for when you wake up.
These neural signatures are patterns of brain (electrical) activity in the brain. This activity moves through set and predictable pathways, activating various areas of the brain along their routes.
Our brains strive to be efficient and set things to auto-pilot as often as possible. Neural signatures are a key part of this energy-saving automation.
Your neural signatures determine so much of how your day will run: your behaviour, and how you will interact (or not) with those people, objects, and experiences around you. Your neural signatures are thus key to your personality, and why you act like you, and not someone else!
Through the wonders of neuroplasticity and the ‘live-wired’ (biologically changeable) nature of the connections in our brain, we can change our neural signatures. Therefore, if we want to change an aspect of our life or behaviour, perhaps a new morning habit like not reaching for your mobile phone, or replacing your inner critic with a positive inner voice, or developing a more refined way of moving, then we need a new neural signature. One key step for generating this alteration is to interrupt your existing neural signature. This will often be very well embedded though, and thus it will take the deliberate use of various principles of neuroplasticity to more permanently divert the brain away from its existing neural signatures so that it embraces the new ones you desire. And, by doing so, the new neural signature will develop and become dominant and eventually automated, causing the exhibiting of your new behaviour or thought pattern.
Neuroplasticity therapies deliberately target specific and specified regions of the brain, and thus are very much related to disrupting and re-instating new and improved neural signatures.
If you would like to find out more about neuroplasticity therapies, you can register here for our next Neuroplasticity Therapies course starting in 2025.