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Useful books to help you on your journey.

Here are some of the books you may find useful on your journey through neuroplasticity therapies. Further resources are provided on our Neuroplasticity Therapies course.

Scroll down to see a listing of all the books mentioned in the 2022 Summit

Books mentioned in the Education: The Neuro Frontier Summit 2022

Kids Beyond Limits

Anat Baniel

Overcoming Apraxia

Laura Baskall Smith

Inventing Ourselves: The Secret Life of the Teenage Brain

Sarah-Jayne Blakemore

Rhythmic Movement Method

Harald Blomberg

Symphony of Reflexes

Bonnie Brandes

Neuroscience of Learning and Development

Marilee Bresciani-Ludvik

The Inflamed Mind

Prof Edward Bullmore

Moving to Learn

Gill Connell

Move, Play and Learn with Smart Steps

Gill Connell

Moving to Learn

Gill Connell

Stop Talking Start Influencing

Jared Cooney Horvath

Beyond the SeaSquirt

Moira Dempsy

The Brain’s Way of Healing

Norman Doidge

Healing at the Speed of Sound

Alex Doman and Glen Campbell

The Physical Development of Young Children

Dr Rebecca Duncombe

Awareness Through Movement

Moshe Feldenkrais

Healing Your Child

Dr Barry Gillespie

The Brain Score Approach

Dr Barry Gillespie

Reflexes, Learning & Behaviour

Sally Goddard Blythe, INPP

The Science of Meditation

Daniel Goleman and Richard J Davidson

Smart Moves

Carla Hannaford

I Know You’re In There

Marcia Hinds

The Compassionate Brain

Gerald Huther

Autism & Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Karen Massey

The Master & His Emissary

Iain McGilchrist

Demystifying The Female Brain: A neuroscientist explores health, hormones and happiness

Dr Sarah McKay

The Women's Brain Book: the neuroscience of health, hormones and happiness

Dr Sarah McKay

Disconnected Kids

Robert Melillo

Neurodevelopmental Disorders of Childhood

Robert Melillo & Gerry Leizman

Parents’ Guide to MNRI

Svetlana Musgutova

Healing Your Child’s Brain

Matthew Newell & Carol Newell

A Mind for Numbers

Barbara Oakley

Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything

Barbara Oakley

Learning How to Learn

Barbara Oakley, Terrence Sejnowski, Alistair McConville


Barbara Oakley

Uncommon Sense Teaching: Practical Insights in Brain Science to Help Students Learn

Barbara Oakley, Beth Rogowsky, Terrence J. Sejnowski

Early Childhood Education Redefined Reflections and Recommendations

Prof Pat Preedy

Internal Time

Till Roenneberg

The Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat

Oliver Sachs

Vision and Learning: A Guide for Parents and Professionals

By Heike Schumacher M.D.

Thinking Goes to School: Piaget's Theory in Practice

Hans G. Furth, & Harry Wachs

Why We Sleep

Matthew Walker

How Behavioural Optometry can Unlock Your Child's Potential

Joel H Warshowsky